So probably ninety percent of the people reading this blog are writing a novel. That's awesome.
But what ELSE do you do?
What?! the affronted authors cry. Isn't writing entire novels from start to finish enough?
If it's enough for you, that's fine. However, I've been writing long enough that I need some other outlet, something else to inspire me, to keep my hands busy while my mind is free to wander. Since I gave up chorus--too many conflicts with late work events now that the weather is nice again--I realized I needed another creative outlet.
After I got my master's degree and started writing again steadily, the decoupage and other crafts I used to do every now and again never got touched. Writing was enough for me, because I saw results, more satisfying results than my rather uninspired art projects. But now that writing is such an ingrained part of my life, I need... something more.
Here's a little something you may not know about me. I'm a clothes-horse. I love buying new clothes and hate throwing old ones away. I love finding ways to wear old clothes in new ways. One of the simplest ways to make an old outfit look new again(don't worry, guys, I'll can see your eyes glazing over, so I'll keep this short) is with different jewelry.
So I've started making jewelry. It's fun, I'm happy with my results--even if it takes me all weekend to plan, start, and finish one piece, lol--and hey, it gives me a good excuse to keep abreast of fashion trends. It's surprising how I can use bits and pieces of old jewelry and clothes and everyday items like buttons to come up with something new, and different. I started out with a goal to make enough to sell at the farmer's market before summer comes, but even if that doesn't happen, I still have all this great jewelry. ;)
What keeps your creative juices flowing?
I wish I could make jewelry! And I 100% agree--accessories update any wardrobe. I like to jog, read, watch TV and movies to get the juices flowing. Breaks are the best way to get back into it I think!
Good for you! I suppose I need to find a hobby.
I used to Scrapbook like mad, but like you, once writing became my focus, I stopped doing my hobbies. I'm so far behind on my photo albums now, that just the thought of catching up is overwhelming. :-)
I used to do scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking, cross-stitching, crocheting, painting, drawing, plus like a gazillion other things, but writing has overtaken all of that. My daughter got one of those round knitting loom kits for Christmas, so sometimes I sit and knit hats and scarves and things. It's good thinking time.
Great post!
I dance, play piano, read, and go on walks in the lovely weather!
Also, school. You know, that takes up a lot of time too, haha.
I used to take part in music but it has been a long time. I have a Bachelor's degree that includes art, so painting is my other outlet when I can but I don't have room right now. I really want to set up a studio area to paint but need an easel or something similar to it because I don't have room in my bedroom to do work. For now, I just have writing till I find room to paint.
I've always wanted to make jewelry ... My creative juices (kind of gross, when you think about it!) have been stuck in a hole lately. I need to dig them out with something ...
I used to scrapbook, but I'm so OCD about it that it would take me an hour to set up and 2 hours to do a page, and I just don't have that kind of time for a hobby. I read, of course, and watch an obscene amount of t.v. But other than that ...
Note to self. Get. Hobby. Now.
How fun to know this about you. My MC in my WIP makes jewelry. I think it's a cool hobby, but have never been very crafty myself.
I want to
I just suck rocks at it
I've known a few gals personally that did the jewelry thing. Some were good, others were not, but every one of them LOVED doing it, and that's what's important.
For me, I draw, play piano, teach myself guitar and have newly begun painting. Go check my page for a sample of my latest painting.
So cool that you make jewelry. My husband just found polymer clay and thinks he wants to make jewelry. And no, I'm not kidding.
I craft. Paper stuff. Rubber stamps. Ribbon. That kind of jazz.
LOl, some of you may know about my office supply addiction. I need to go into Office Depot with blinders on and a strict list.
Well, I can't even pass by the craft section in Walmart without spending like an hour fondling ribbon and beads. It's a sick, sad world. ;)
Good to see so many people have another creative outlet aside from writing. It makes me feel less guilty when I'm not writing!
Making jewelry just looks so hard to me. I used to play piano a lot, but after taking lessons for 11 years and teaching for a while, that love died...a slow, painful death. lol
I think that is SO COOL! I bet you have some beautiful pieces. I like to embroider. I make handkerchiefs for my grandfather and embroider his monogram or different emblems. =]
I'm impressed with all the things you can do! I've started taking taekwondo and it's fun. I've a belt test tomorrow though. Wish me luck!
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