Ah, Friday. I've waited all week long for you to illuminate my dreary week with your optimistic glow.
I already know you'll be over too soon, but for now I'm going to bask in your glory. Sure I have to work late tonight, but then tomorrow I'll be able to work on my urban fantasy. I've been waiting for what feels like years to get back to work on Parallel, so I'm excited that I've finally got Strings and Evangeline in better shape.
Are you feeling good about your work right now?
If not, why not? Characters giving you the run-around? Got the Red-Ink Blues? Just remember, you'll get past whatever is bothering you soon enough. It's easy to get depressed about the way your writing is going, but if it's lasting too long, maybe you need to talk it out with someone. It doesn't have to be me, of course, but don't forget the healing power of venting to a friend. ;)
Have a great weekend, y'all!
I never vent. Well, at least not this week. ;) Glad you're feeling better. :)
So when do I get to read the new version of Evangeline?
LOL, check your inbox. Kidding. But if you want it, you got it, baby!
I'll send it to you this weekend. Not sure how different it is from the last version you read, but I hope it's better. ;)
Just checked my email. The last version I read was sent to me on 5/20/09. Crazy, huh?
I'm feeling pretty good about my story. Glad to hear you are too. Happy Friday!
Geez, that long ago? I can't even remember what beginning I had then.
Karen, that's awesome! Happy Friday!
Happy Friday to you too! Sorry about the working late, but like you said, at least you get to work on your writing tomorrow!
I'm feeling mostly good about my WIP right now. I'm nearing (kinda sorta) the end of this round of revisions, and they have made my story so much better! :-)
Have a great weekend, Tere!
I think I'm suffering from giving my characters the run-around instead of vice versa. Really. If they wrote me an email right now it would be like, Dude! You left me alone in the middle of the ocean; Hey, you, you left me stranded in another time. *hides*
I'm obviously crazy in love with my WiP at the moment and I'm glad things are going well for you too!
Have an awesome weekend!
Thanks for the feel good post! Fridays are awesome! :)
I'm in an in-between kind of mood with my writing at the moment. Definitely agree about talking it out with a friend though. One of them magically made my convoluted plot points make sense.
Happy weekend!
What a happy, uplifting post. I found a problem in my writing recently. Something was off and I couldn't keep writing the scene I was because I knew it wasn't the way it should have gone. I still haven't pinpointed exactly where it's gone wrong but now that I know, I'm much happier. =]
Enjoy writing tomorrow!
Happy Friday! We're finally feeling good about our WIP again. We had to take a HUGE step back and write a new outline, but I think we're back on track. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
I'm feeling pretty good about my writing this week. I like what I've done, and I'm excited to move forward.
Hope you had a great weekend! I'd feel good about my writing if I were getting the chance to do any... I'm in the final two weeks of school, so I'm busy with papers and finals, then it's summer off and time to write lots!
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